











四、於偵測過程中,若發現偵檢儀器的指示超出儀器所能偵測之範圍,並再確認後應立即停止偵測,工作人員應儘速撤離至輻射劑量不大於20微西弗 / 小時之地區,且依此標準(20微西弗 / 小時)劃定輻射污染管制區隔離管制,並依第三項原子能委員會規定處理。


Radioactive pollution control measures for steel building materials


I. When Party B submits a batch of steel building materials to Party A for examination, Party B is required to appoint a steel manufacturer approved and certified by Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan, to issue a non-radioactive pollution certificate for the aforesaid steel building materials in compliance with the requirements prescribed in the “Administrative Regulations for Prevention and Treatment of Buildings polluted by Radiations” promulgated by Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan. In the event Party B is unable to locate a certified steel manufacturer, Party B is required to advise Party A accordingly and contact an institute that has the capability to examine radioactive pollutions and has been certified by Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan, to prepare a radioactive examination certificate or non-radioactive pollution certificate.


II. The aforesaid radioactive examination certificate or non-radioactive pollution certificate has to be imprinted with the seals of competent authority or its authorized person. All modifications or revisions contained in the aforesaid radioactive examination certificate or non-radioactive pollution certificate has to be imprinted with the seals of issuance institute. All information contained in the radioactive examination certificate or non-radioactive pollution certificate has to be truthful. If there is any false information, Party B and the issuance institute shall be jointly liable for all consequences resulted from all such false information.


III. If, during the construction period, Party A questions the source of steel building materials, Party B is required to comply with the instructions issued by Party A and appoints the aforesaid institute to examine the steel building materials questioned by Party A. All examination costs are included in the related expenses, and shall not be priced additionally under any circumstance. In the event any radioactive pollution is discovered, Party B is required to treat the polluted steel building materials in accordance with the requirements stated in “Administrative Regulations for Prevention and Treatment of Buildings polluted by Radiations” promulgated by Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan.


IV. If, during the examination, examiners find the radioactive reading beyond the examination instrument’s detectable range, examiners are required to confirm the aforesaid excessive reading. Once confirmed, the examination has to be stopped immediately and all staffs have to move right away to a safe area where radiation dose is less than 20 μSv/hr. In this connection, a radioactive pollution control area has to be set up based on the aforesaid standard (20 μSv/hr) in compliance with the requirements stated in Article 3 of “Administrative Regulations for Prevention and Treatment of Buildings polluted by Radiations” promulgated by Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuan.