


參考以下中文內容,撰寫水素水(Hydrogen-rich water)網頁內容,强調負氫離子水素水提昇人體自癒力和免疫力,促進健康。




















為人類開闢一條健康管理康莊大道,水是生命的泉源,生命離不開水,健康更離不開水,水= H2O負氫離子水素水是自然界的珍寶人體有70%的水,一旦水份不足,血液濃稠,循環困難,水分不足,連帶氧氣也缺乏,讓血液流動動力不足,設法找出與健康的關聯性,了解子己一天能喝多少水才重要,基本上水的本質沒有問題,水中溶氧,礦物質都是天生自然,無法讓人類任何改變,喝水是必須接受腹腦管控,未經腹腦認可的水,是無法進入人體是一個密閉式的水庫:人體體重由70%的水份構成,人體的循環代謝系統平穩,必須依賴予水,水是構成生命細胞的基礎,食物的消化吸收,營養的輸送,血液的迴圈,廢物的排泄,體溫的調節,每一個生命活動都離不開水。






先讓自己健康,才能給他人健康,醫療改革將使醫護人員健康提昇,科學研究人類壽命可達120歲,找出慢性病的根源,讓百姓自己管控。人體健康是一張大考卷,講的容易,作的難,自然法則運行中,每一個體都有不同必修科目,植物受強風大雨冰雪考驗,野獸;弱肉強食,人;春、血液開始動起來。夏、血液動力最強。秋、血液流速逐漸緩慢。冬、血液流速最慢。心、肝、脾、肺、腎與四季24節氣12時辰,都與大自有直接關聯性。大腦仰賴血液提供能量與代謝,吸的是氧氣,血液的推動又靠氫氣,水中有【H2O負氫離子水素水】是自然的奧妙設計,水是玄奧難懂,腹腦會開門讓水進入血液,【H2O負氫離子水素水】的玄妙運動產生負電位能消除自由基,水是最好的溶劑,稀釋血液濃稠度 中西醫都非常重視水與消化系統,因為食物的營養才能吸收,又能吸收水中氫氣與氧氣,養病看不見,健康革命就是要借重醫學經驗,科學儀器,讓您知道病的源頭在血液,要健康、不要病。血液是健康重要指標,當一個人對身體完全不懂,狀況一定會發生,造成今日醫院病患爆滿,實非大家想要的,醫學的精進,科學永續發展,需要綜合濃縮,打破傳統,改變個人無知,輸入血液學的知識,管控,紅血球,白血球,順應自然法則生活要正常,飲用【H2O負氫離子水素水】,重點教育,方向引導,利人利己,健康快樂。




  • Are you thirsty? Don’t just drink water without knowing what water can do to your health.
  • Water not only quenches your thirst, but also affects your health.   
  • Water quenches your thirst and has many, many things to do with your health.
  • Water can improve or deteriorate your health, depending on the water you drink.


  • Healthy water improves your health. Unhealthy water does no good to your health at all.
  • Our self-healing power and immunity help us stay healthy. Healthy water energizes our bodies, enhances our self-healing power and immunity, allowing our bodies to discharge toxins and free radicals for our health. Unhealthy water does no good to our self-healing power and immunity at all. To a worse extent, it causes all kinds of chronic diseases and ruins our health.
  • If you are concerned about your health, you should choose your drinking water wisely.   
  • Thirsty? Think about what water can do to your health before you drink it. You can quench your thirst and improve your health at the same time by drinking healthy water.
  • Do you still think water has nothing to do with your health? Think it again.


  • Water makes up 70% of human body. Water is indispensable for our urinary system, blood system, and metabolism system.
  • Dehydration results in hypercoagulation (thickened blood), circulation problems, and hypoxia (oxygen deficiency). Consequently, blood circulation slows down, health declines, and disease occurs.
  • We drink water everyday. Water quenches our thirst, but does not necessarily improve our health. There is a big difference between healthy water and unhealthy water. Healthy water improves your health; unhealthy water does no good to your health at all.
  • Most drinking water contains dissolved oxygen and minerals with no hydrogen at all. If you drink too much high-oxygen water, the oxygen pushes your blood flowing to your lungs and causes pulmonary hemorrhage. It’s not good for your health at all.
  • Most drinking water contains no hydrogen. Hydrogen deficiency decelerates your blood circulation and exposes you to diseases and cancers.
  • Hydrogen-rich water energizes your self-healing power and immunity system, allowing you to stay healthy. High-oxygen water does no good to your self-healing power and immunity system at all.
  • Hydrogen-rich water quenches your thirst, improves your self-healing power and immunity system, allowing your body to discharge toxins and free radicals for your health. High-oxygen water cannot improve your self-healing power and immunity system at all. To a worse extent, drinking too much high-oxygen water causes pulmonary hemorrhage for you. That’s the difference between healthy water and unhealthy water.
  • Say goodbye to high-oxygen water. For your health, you should drink hydrogen-rich water.
  • Do you still think you can stay healthy by drinking high-oxygen water? Think it again.


  • If you are concerned about your health, you should drink hydrogen-rich water instead of high-oxygen water.
  • The negative ions contained in the hydrogen-rich water improve your blood circulation, energize your self-healing power and immunity, and help your body to discharge toxins and free radicals and thus improve your health.
  • For your health, you should switch to hydrogen-rich water. When you drink hydrogen-rich water, the negative ions enter into your circulation system to clean your blood and help your body to discharge toxins and free radicals.
  • If your drinking water is short of hydrogen, your body will be unable to discharge toxins and free radicals. Thus, your health declines and you are exposed to all kinds of diseases and cancers.
  • Drink 3,000 cc of Hydrogen-rich water daily. You’ll see the difference 6 months later.


  • If you drink water without knowing what water can do to your health, you are putting your health at stake.
  • Most of the water you drink simply flows to your urinary system and causes abdominal distension for you, let alone help your body discharge toxins and free radicals. As time passes by, you have more and more toxins in your body and you start to lose your self-healing power and immunity. Consequently, you are bothered by many diseases, such as esophageal reflux, acid indigestion, constipation, insomnia, periodontosis, cataracts, glaucoma, presbyopia, and all kinds of syndromes such as stroke, colorectal cancer, prostatic hypertrophy, and inflammation of the vagina, to name just a few.
  • Many people are constantly suffering from chronic diseases. Medicines alleviate patients’ symptoms, but cannot help them recover their health. If you intend to enjoy a good life, you must do something to improve your health. The negative ions contained in the hydrogen-rich water not only upgrade your health, but cure the health-related illness. Why not give it a try?   
  • As an old Chinese saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure”, you should seriously think about what hydrogen-rich water can do for your health. Don’t take your health for granted. You should keep yourself healthy with hydrogen-rich water. If you are suffering from any chronic disease, you must improve your health with hydrogen-rich water. Hydrogen-rich water safeguards your health and is the best solution to the health-related illness.
  • Negative ions have the best anti-oxidant performance. For your health, you should switch to hydrogen-rich water. The negative irons contained in the hydrogen-rich water clean your blood and helps your body discharge toxins and free radicals, allowing you to enjoy a healthy life year after year.  


  • Human body works like a reservoir. Reservoir has to be dredged so that water can flow out of it freely. Similarly, your body has to be dredged with hydrogen-rich water so that your body can function normally. The negative ions contained in the hydrogen-rich water not only dredge your body and clean your circulation system, but helps your body discharge toxins and free radicals and thus improve your health.
  • According to scientific research reports, negative ions have the best anti-oxidant performance. The negative ions contained in the hydrogen-rich water not only clean your circulation system, but helps your body discharge toxins and free radicals. Your body has to be free from toxins and free radicals. It’s very important for your health.   
  • Don’t just drink water without knowing what water can do to your health. Water can improve or deteriorate your health, depending on the water you drink.
  • You should choose your drinking water wisely. Don’t ever think water has nothing to do with your health. You are to blame for choosing the wrong drinking water that causes illness for you.
  • If you are suffering from chronic disease, you must see the doctors and switch to hydrogen-rich water. You should drink 3,000 cc of hydrogen-rich water daily for six months. Meanwhile, you should check your physical examination reports each month. You’ll see the difference six months later. The examination result speaks for itself.   
  • Medicines alleviate your symptoms temporarily; negative ions energize your self-healing power and immunity systems, and safeguard your health permanently.


  • According to scientific research reports, everybody can live a long life – 120 years or longer. In reality, however, few people have lived longer than 100 years. Life is full of challenges. In the forests, plants have to withstand heavy rains, snow and ice. In the jungle, the weak falls prey to the strong. In your world, you have to tackle all kinds of challenges. You cannot conquer any obstacle if you are not healthy.
  • According to Chinese medicine, our blood picks up energy in the spring, flows fast in the summer, starts to lose energy in the autumn, and blood circulation slows down in the winter. Our hearts, livers, spleens, lungs and kidneys function harmoniously along with the changes of 4 seasons and the changes of 24 solar terms.
  • Hydrogen pushes our blood flowing in our bodies and energizes our self-healing power and immunity system. The negative ions contained in the hydrogen-rich water are a wonderful gift from the nature. When you drink hydrogen-rich water, the negative ions produce negative potentials and eliminate toxins to improve your health.
  • From Chinese medicine and western medicines’ standpoint, water and digestive system play an important role for our health. As we drink hydrogen-rich water, we absorb negative ions to dissolve our thickened blood, energize our self-healing power and immunity system, clean our circulation system and metabolism system for our health.
  • People pursue a healthy life, trying to improve their health in every way possible such as diet, sports, and vitamins. Nonetheless, most people are unaware about what water can do to their health. Now you have learned what negative ions can do for your health. You can improve your health simply by drinking hydrogen-rich water.   
  • Are you suffering from chronic disease? You have to consult your doctors and identify the origin of your illness. Most illnesses are associated with hydrogen deficiency. It’s time to drink hydrogen-rich water.

IMPORTANT:  The features and benefits of hydrogen-rich water and negative ions stated herein are intended for reference only. If you are feeling unwell, you should consult your doctor immediately.