





摘      要




1.  取得樂齡講師資格以女性為主約佔七成,年齡以中高齡者占大多數,符合中高齡者人力再運用以及中高齡者服務高齡者的精神。

2. 樂齡講師對於初階、進階與實作培訓等三階段的培訓具有相當不錯的滿意度。

3. 樂齡講師「同意」培訓內容對於其在高齡教育相關知識、技能與態度皆有明顯的改變,然而對於高齡教學技能方面仍需要再加強,尤其以電腦科技的使用為最。

關鍵字: 樂齡講師、內容吸收、態度改變、成效提升


Evaluating the effectiveness of senior lecturer training program




This study evaluated the effectiveness of the training programs designed for senior lecturers, in particular the fulltime senior lecturers recruited by the Ministry of Education. Starting from literature review and analysis, this study prepared questionnaires based on its research purpose and the findings obtained from literature review. Questionnaires were designed using the scales developed by researchers in Taiwan and in elsewhere of the world for the related projects. 4-Level Training Evaluation Model was adopted to identify the effectiveness, such as senior lecturers' satisfaction and comprehension of training programs, changes of senior lecturers' attitudes, as well as the improvement of effectiveness.


In 2013, 310 questionnaires were issued and 291 questionnaires were received from respondents with valid response rate 93.8%. In the following year, 116 questionnaires were issued and 107 questionnaires were received with a slightly lower valid response rate 92.2%. Altogether 426 questionnaires were issued and 398 questionnaires were received with overall valid response rate as high as 93.4%. This study examined the data acquired from the questionnaires, and identified the training effectiveness using descriptive statistics. Moreover, the variance between various items in connection with training effectiveness was analyzed using t-test and one-way ANOVA. Findings are summarized as follows:


1. As many as 70% of senior lecturers are female and the great majority of senior lecturers are either middle-aged or senior citizens. Apparently, senior lecturers’ age distribution is exactly in line with the call for reutilizing the middle-aged and senior manpower for the society's well-being as well as the call for using middle-aged and senior citizens to serve senior citizens.


2. Senior lecturers revealed a high level of satisfaction in terms of their participation in three levels of training programs, namely, introductory level, advanced level, and field practice.


3. Senior lecturers agreed that the training programs have helped them to improve their knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards senior citizen education significantly. Nevertheless, they felt that they have to improve their teaching skills and thereby cope with the needs of senior students, particularly their computer skills.


Key words: senior lecturers, comprehension of training programs, changes of attitudes, enhancement of training effectiveness.